a) 2 Vishnu Dutas
b) 2 demons
c) A male and female couple
d) 2 male incarnations of Lord Vishnu
a) Brahma
b) Bharathi ( Sarasvathi)
c) Lord Vishnu
d) Lord Siva
a) Brahma
b) Bharathi ( Sarasvathi)
c) Lord Vishnu
d) Lord Siva
a) Sanatana Gosvami
b) Jiva Goisvami
c) Rupa Gosvami
d) Krishnadas Kaviraj Goosvami
a) Brahma
b) Bharathi ( Sarasvathi)
c) Lord Vishnu
d) Lord Siva
a) Sanatana Gosvami
b) Jiva Goisvami
c) Rupa Gosvami
d) Krishnadas Kaviraj Goosvami
a) Living entity is merged with the Supreme Lord
b) Krishna always helps the Jivas
c) Jivas are always independent and do not need Krishna
d) Living entity is eternally the servitor of the Supreme Lord
a) Was feeling very proud
b) Said that the qualities which they have described are actually not distinct in him
c) Said that he needs to hear more and more as they are not good enough
d) Ran to a secluded place
a) Svaayambhuva Manu, Kapila Dev, Kardama Muni
b) Kardama Muni, Kapila Dev, Svaayambhuva Manu
c) Kapila Dev, Svaayambhuva Manu, Kardama Muni
d) Kapila Dev, Kardama Muni, Svaayambhuva Manu