Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita: Volume 02, Chapter 02 – Butler, Pennsylvania The First testing ground

01. On the way to Pennsylvania, Srila Prabhupada witnessed

a)     Meat-eating, illicit sex, intoxication and gambling were proudly glamorized on mile after mile on bill boards of American roads
b)     That American culture was based on passion for more and more sense gratification and was a scene of madness
c)     People were rushing to and fro at breakneck speed for their goals of sense gratification
d)     All the above


02. Sally Agarwal arranged for an interview of Srila Prabhupada at the ‘Butler Eagle’ newspaper because

a)     She considered the message that Srila Prabhupada came to give was important and urgent to reach to people
b)     She did not want to host Prabhupada and thought by the advertisement in newspaper, someone else would agree to host
c)     She thought it was difficult to explain about Prabhupada to everyone and it would be better to let people know about him from the newspaper
d)     All the above
