13. Shukadeva Gosvama confirms that the gayatri mantra was first imparted within the heart of __________ by the Supreme.
a) Shiva.
b) Narada.
c) Svayambhu Manu.
d) Brahma.
a) Shiva.
b) Narada.
c) Svayambhu Manu.
d) Brahma.
a) who are fortunate enough to understand Lord Caitanya.
b) who understand the Vrindavana pastimes of Radha and Krishna.
c) who get the mercy of Sri Rupa Gosvami.
d) All of them.
a) 10 days.
b) 11 days.
c) 12 days.
d) 13 days.
a) bronze.
b) copper.
c) gold.
d) silver.
a) gold.
b) silver.
c) touchstone.
d) bronze.
a) a person reputed to be in heaveny planets.
b) a person reputed to be in material world.
c) a person reputed to be Krishna conscious.
d) none of them.
a) Shudra.
b) Vaishya.
c) Kshatriya.
d) Brahmana.
a) he should be conversant in the science of Impersonlism.
b) he should be conversant in the science of Krishna.
c) he should be conversant in the science of Yoga.
d) None of Them.
a) Ugrasena.
b) Kamsa.
c) Nanda.
d) Vrishbhanu.
a) Kanyakubja.
b) Vrindavana.
c) Hastinapur.
d) Dandakaranya.