a) The house is well built
b) The Supreme Lord is the reservoir of 25 elements
c) They each should marry 25 wives
d) None of the above
a) Were firmly convinced with the conclusion of Narada Muni
b) Accepted Narada Muni as their spiritual master
c) They followed the path by which one never returns to this world
d) All the above
a) Rebelled
b) Left their body immediately
c) They also went to Narayana saras and performed penances and underwent severe course of austerities
d) Went in search of Narada Muni
a) Went and complained to their father
b) They simply did not obey Narada Muni
c) Were bewildered
d) They too as their elder brothers did not attempt to produce children and engaged themselves in Krishna Consciousness
a) Unless full knowledge is awakened, simply changing dress cannot possibly bring detachment
b) One cannot give up material enjoyment unless one has personally experienced
c) One should find for themselves the distastefulness of material enjoyment and become renounced if they need
d) All the above
a) He may never get married
b) His life span be reduced
c) To have no permanent residence anywhere
d) To lose his devotional service
a) Got up from his seat to offer respects
b) Did nothing to show his respects
c) Being still seated, offered seat to his spiritual master
d) Asked his wife to take care of Brahaspati
a) Completely understood that Indra was puffed up his material opulence
b) He left the assembly in silence
c) Both a and b
d) None f the above
a) Brahaspati did not forgive him
b) Brahaspati became invisible and Indra could not find him
c) Brahaspati forgave Indra
d) Brahaspati cursed Indra