01. Lord & the living entities are one & the same in _____________ .
a) Quantity
b) Quality
c) Effulgence
d) Itself
Sri Isopanishad: Mantra 16
a) Quantity
b) Quality
c) Effulgence
d) Itself
a) The glare of transcendence
b) The glare of necessity
c) The glare of poor knowledge
d) The glare of Brahmajyoti
a) Auspicious aspect of the Supreme
b) Auspicious enlightenment
c) Most auspicious feature of the Supreme
d) None of the above
a) Significance
b) Principal
c) Maintainer
d) Auspicious
a) Potency, influence
b) Potency, auspiciousness
c) Auspiciousness, influence
d) Significant, auspiciousness
a) Brahma
b) Purusas
c) Prajapati
d) Surya
a) Controller, controlled
b) Realization, companion
c) Knowledge, controlled
d) Controller, companion
a) Brahman & Paramatma
b) Living entities
c) Both a & b
d) None of these
a) One who has realized Brahman
b) One who has realized Paramatma
c) One who is learned
d) One who is pure devotee
a) Understanding a pure devotee
b) Favor of the Lord
c) Understanding cosmic manifestation
d) Origin of universe