01. To approach the platform of self-realization one must follow ____________.
a) Forbearance
b) Religion
c) Regulative principles
d) Proper conduct
Sri Isopanishad: Mantra 10
a) Forbearance
b) Religion
c) Regulative principles
d) Proper conduct
a) Correct
b) Incorrect
c) Complete
d) Incomplete
a) Making plans
b) Avoiding miseries
c) Regaining his knowledge
d) Regaining his spiritual identity
a) Consciousness
b) Body
c) Research
d) Culture
a) 18
b) 20
c) 15
d) 16
a) Important
b) Unimportant
c) Internal
d) External
a) Modern Science
b) Bhagavad-Gita
c) Sri Isopanisad
d) Both b & c
a) Modern Science
b) Bhagavad-Gita
c) Sri Isopanisad
d) Both b & c
a) Yes
b) No
c) Not sure
d) None of these
a) Social
b) Political
c) Religion
d) Social, political & religion
a) Serve
b) Cultivate
c) Dominate
d) Equip
a) Religious person
b) Dhira
c) Both of these
d) None of these
a) Material body
b) Material mind
c) Material body & mind
d) None of these
a) Obedient
b) Punctual
c) Intelligent
d) Submissive
a) Cannot be an instructive leader
b) Cannot gain perfect knowledge
c) both a & b
d) None of the above