Gita Champions League

103. What does Samadhi mean?

a) Fixing the mind on understanding the self.
b) Sitting in Padmasan and closing one`s eyes.
c) Growing long matted hairs and meditating.
d) Seeing red light when sitting in Padmasan.


042. Pranayama means______

a) Controlling the breathing process.
b) Controlling the sitting postures..
c) Controlling the planets.
d) Controlling Lives of others.


044. Who said to whom?

First of all you ask me to renounce work, and then again you recommend work with devotion. Now, will you kindly tell me directly which of the two is more beneficial?”
a) Arjuna to Krishna.
b) Sanjaya to Krishna..
c) Krishna to Arjuna.
d) Dhrtarashtra to Sanjaya.


046. What is jnana?

a) Knowledge that one is not spirit soul but material body.
b) Knowledge that one is not material body but mind.
c) Knowledge that one is not material body but spirit soul.
d) Knowledge that one is not mind but intelligence.


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