72. Is there a difference between hearing directly from Krishna & hearing directly from Krishna through a bona fide spiritual master?
a) No
b) Yes
Bhagavad Gita As It Is
a) No
b) Yes
a) He became a great scholar
b) He took pleasure and was thrilled & rejoicing at every moment
c) He took the renounce order of life
d) He became a great personality
a) His opinion was, that Arjuna is the supreme archer
b) His opinion was, that where Krishna & Arjuna are present there is all good fortune & victory
c) His opinion was, that Arjuna is a great renunciant
d) He had no opinion to give
a) To become peaceful
b) To follow all the yoga-asana to reach the Supreme
c) To become well versed in the scriptures
d) To fully surrender unto Krishna