03. The coverings of ignorance were created by Brahma’s ———– a) Neck b) Legs c) Back d) Shadow Answer
04. The effulgent form of daytime were picked up by ———– a) Demons b) Demigods c) Bhutas d) Gandharvas Answer
05. The ———— appeared before the demons with the form of a young woman a) Evening twilight b) Dawn c) Afternoon d) Midnight Answer
06. Visvavasu and Gandharvas took possession of ————- a) Sunlight b) Moonlight c) Twilight d) Starlight Answer
07. Brahma’s hair was transformed to __________ a) Snakes b) Ferocious serpent c) Nagas d) All the above Answer
02. Kardama Muni practiced penance for a period of ————– years a) 100 b) 1000 c) 10000 d) 12000 Answer
03. Kardama Muni had the desire to ——————- and thus seek shelter of the lotus feet of Lord a) Brhmarshi b) Be the highest mystic yogi c) Go back to Godhead d) Marry a girl of like disposition Answer
04. It was foretold that Kardama Muni would have ——— daughters , and they would marry sages and will duly beget children. a) 4 b) 9 c) 12 d) 38 Answer
05. Bindu Sarovara, where Kardama saw the Lord, was encircled by river ———– a) Saraswati b) Ganga c) Yamuna d) Narmada Answer