10. ______ is the most important method for advancement in Krishna consciousness.
a) performing sacrifices.
b) Hearing.
c) performing ritualistic duties.
d) meditative techniques.
a) performing sacrifices.
b) Hearing.
c) performing ritualistic duties.
d) meditative techniques.
a) serving.
b) singing.
c) hearing.
d) offering obeisances.
a) chanting.
b) hearing.
c) reading prayers.
d) vibrating hymns.
a) remembering.
b) performing sankirtana.
c) meditating.
d) chanting.
a) singing.
b) offering obeisances.
c) offering palatable foodstuffs to the Lord.
d) serving the lotus feet of the Lord.
a) seeing the Deity.
b) worshiping.
c) praying.
d) accepting prasada.
a) living in Mathura or Vrindavana.
b) worshiping.
c) praying.
d) serving.
a) being friendly with Lord Rama.
b) surrendering in all respects.
c) offering obeisances to Lord Rama.
d) becoming the servant of Lord Rama.
a) being the servant of Krishna .
b) being a friend of Krishna.
c) offering everything to krishna.
d) living in Mathura or Vrindavana.
a) offering whatever he had in his possession to krishna.
b) engaging as a servitor.
c) offering respect to the Vaishnavas or advanced devotees.
d) understanding Srimad-Bhagavatam.