16. “rodana-bindu-maranda-syandi” who wrote this verse in Bhakti-Rasamrita-Sindhu?
a) Bilva Mangala Thakur.
b) Rupa Goswami.
c) Sanatana Goswami.
d) Jiva Goswami.
a) Bilva Mangala Thakur.
b) Rupa Goswami.
c) Sanatana Goswami.
d) Jiva Goswami.
a) vibhava.
b) anubhava.
c) vyabhichari.
d) alambana.
a) sixteen.
b) twenty-one.
c) thirty-three.
d) sixty-four.
a) alambana.
b) uddhipana.
c) udbhasvara.
d) Vibhava.
a) the drop of the pure nectar of fruitive activities.
b) the ocean of the pure nectar of cultivated knowledge.
c) the ocean of the pure nectar of Devotional Service.
d) none of them.
a) to include affection, anger, fraternity, attachment and devotion.
b) to include affection, anger, fraternity and attachment.
c) by the devotee’s decorating his body to attract Krishna.
d) All abve of them.
a) fifty.
b) one hundred & eight.
c) sixty-four.
d) eighty four .
a) sixteen.
b) twenty-five.
c) forty.
d) fifty five.
a) attain complete sense enjoyment.
b) attain knowledge of liberation.
c) become a religious man in the ordinary sense.
d) experiences taste of the ecstasy of spiritual relish.
a) Hari-bhakti-vilasa.
b) Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu.
c) Harivamsha.
d) Krishna-sandarbha.