12. It is said that there is an everlasting belt of water called the River ___________ at the entrance of the plutonic planet of Yamaraja
a) Vaitarana.
b) Kalyani.
c) Vaitarani.
d) Vedganga.
a) Vaitarana.
b) Kalyani.
c) Vaitarani.
d) Vedganga.
a) club, wheel of a chariot, lotus, conchshell.
b) lotus, wheel of a chariot, conchshell, club.
c) lotus, conchshell, wheel of a chariot, club.
d) conchshell, lotus, wheel of chariot, club.
a) Female.
b) Brahman.
c) Male.
d) None of these.
a) Sorrowness.
b) Happiness.
c) Aggression.
d) Cheating propensity.
a) Karma Yoga.
b) Jnana yoga.
c) Buddhi yoga.
d) Ashtanga yoga.
a) Accumulation of wealth.
b) Becoming famous.
c) Accumalation of knowledge.
d) Sex desire.
a) Attachment to unwanted things.
b) Detachment from unwanted things.
c) Acting as detach from all wanted & unwanted things.
d) None of these.
a) to fix one's attention on something impersonal or void.
b) not to fix one's attention on something impersonal or void.
c) not to fix one's attention on something impersonal or void.
d) None of these.
a) The more he attached to sense gratification.
b) He come into the conclusion of killing the living beings.
c) He more get frustrated in the materail world.
d) The more he detached from sense gratification.