a) People in General.
b) Learned Scholars.
c) Demons.
d) All of the above.
a) Trying to understand it oneself.
b) Following one’s own Interpretations.
c) Referring all the editions available in market.
d) Following Disciplic succession.
a) All kinds of austerities and sacrifices.
b) bathed in all sacred places.
c) Finished all scriptural studies.
d) All of above.
a) Both are same in Quantity and in Quality.
b) Living entity is inferior in both Quantity and Quality.
c) Same Quality but lord is superior in Quantity.
d) Same Quantity but Lord is superior in Quality.
a) I am Lord brahma.
b) I am the one.
c) I am om.
d) I am spirit.
a) Devotees of the Lord.
b) Demons averse to the Lord.
c) Both of the above.
d) None of the above.
a) Word jugglery done on verses and hard to understand.
b) To promote authors view point and not Krishna’s.
c) Written for some name, fame and profit.
d) Written with an attitude of service to lord.
a) Studying Vedas.
b) Krsna reveals.
c) Doing pranayam.
d) Getting up early in moring.
a) With care and caution.
b) With faith..
c) Blindly
d) None of the above.