11. What was Arjuna’s flag marked with?
a) Fire-god
b) Hanuman
c) Goddess of fortune
d) Sword
a) Fire-god
b) Hanuman
c) Goddess of fortune
d) Sword
a) Yes
b) No
a) Because Arjuna is a pure devotee of the Lord
b) Because the Lord takes great transcendental pleasure when a pure devotee is ordering Him
c) Both a & b
d) None of these
a) Transcendental, endeavor, engagement
b) Infallible, affection, devotees
c) Supreme, attempts, peace
d) Great, service, senses
a) Because he wanted to see the leading persons present on the battlefield
b) So that he would get an estimate of the strength of the opposite party which he had to face
c) Both a & b
d) None of these
a) Because of his friendship with Krishna
b) Because of his power
c) Because being born in a ksatriya family
d) Because being the son of queen Kunti
a) The conqueror of sleep and ignorance
b) The conqueror of wealth
c) The director of the Pandavas army
d) The director of the senses and mind of every living entity
a) Because of the weakness of the heart
b) Because of his soft heartedness which is the characteristic of a pure devotee
c) Because of fear of loss of life due to material concept of life
d) Both b & c
a) Krishna is the master of everyone
b) Krishna is the object of all pleasures for cows and the senses
c) Krishna is the object of all transcendental pleasure
d) Krishna is the master of the senses
a) When the living entity tries to satisfy the senses of Govinda
b) When the living entity lives a very charitable life
c) When the living entity renounces everything
d) None of these