15. What is required to remain in the quality of Brahman?
a) Fix one’s mind on the lotus feet of the Lord
b) Consciousness
c) Engagement in yoga
d) Identification with the absolute
a) Fix one’s mind on the lotus feet of the Lord
b) Consciousness
c) Engagement in yoga
d) Identification with the absolute
a) Person in Krishna consciousness
b) Everyone
c) Demigods
d) None of the above
a) Conditioning by the modes of material nature
b) Forgetfulness of his relationship with the Lord
c) Both a & b
d) None of these
a) Yoga system being a long process to carry on
b) The mind being restless and unsteady for performing yoga system
c) Yoga system not applicable for the kshatriya class of men
d) None of the above
a) Impersonal spiritual detachment
b) By practice of Krishna consciousness
c) Engaging in nine types of devotional service to the Lord
d) Both b & c
a) He meets destruction in material world
b) He meets destruction in the spiritual world
c) He would continue from where he left in his previous life
d) All of these
a) Because such a birth is rare
b) Because one receives spiritual impetus in that family
c) Because such families are very learned and devoted spiritually
d) All of these
a) Waste of time
b) Different
c) Particular
d) Spiritually predominant
a) Karma-yoga
b) Jnana-yoga
c) Astanga-yoga
d) Bhakti-yoga
a) Because he doesn’t practice devotional service to the Lord
b) Because he is not a pure devotee of the Lord
c) Both a & b
d) None of these