a) “ Please save Swamiji”
b) “My spiritual master wants to live. Please allow him”
c) “My Spiritual Master has not completed his work. So please let him finish”
d) None of the above
a) Was that Lord had arranged for them to all be engaged in the intimate service of a pure devotee
b) By serving pure devotee, one gains favor of Krishna
c) Lord was allowing everyone to be purified by engaging in Swamiji’s service
d) All the above
a) Shyamasundar and Malati
b) Gurudas and Yamuna
c) Mukunda and Janaki
d) Gaurasundara and Govinda Dasi
a) Prabhupada participated by moving with the Rath all through
b) Prabhupada stayed in his house at Stinson beach and watched the Rath from his living room
c) Prabhupada moved with Rath for a while and then took rest
d) Prabhupada was at New York
a) Went back to the temple
b) Remained at the shores of Stinson beach
c) Remained in the house with Prabhupada and his servants
d) None of the above
a) No
b) By chance may be
c) Yes, by chanting Hare Krishna and rendering service
d) Sometimes yes, sometimes no